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Certification of non-residential buildings

The Passive House construction method is a sensible standard not only for residential buildings; office buildings, hostels, factories, administrative buildings, sports halls, kindergartens, schools etc. can also be built and certified as Passive Houses.

The values calculated (“demand”) for the heating and primary energy later on are stated in the certificate. These are based on the heated living space or useable area. The later consumption actually depends on the structural quality of the building envelope (besides the user behaviour and weather conditions), and, this is exactly what is certified together with the building services characteristics.

The Passive House Institute itself carries out building certification (Passive Houses and EnerPHit refurbishments). For more information contact us at: building.certification[at]

Examples: Passive House schools
Examples: Passive House kindergartens

Wall plaque for certified Passive Houses
Passive House Institute accredited Building Certifiers



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