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Airtightness measurements

In order to check the airtightness of a building, it is useful and advisable to carry out an airtightness measurement known as the BlowerDoor test. This is absolutely essential for Passive Houses. Any leaks remaining in the building envelope can be detected with this test and remedied if necessary. This test is one of the few possibilities for testing the quality of construction work in a cost-effective way. During the test a fan is installed airtightly in a window or door. Leak detection takes place at a negative pressure of 50 Pascal inside the building. The leaks can be localised by means of the hand or a flow meter, or by using an infrared camera in inaccessible places.

- Prevention of damage to buildings, draughts, and cold air pockets
- Proper functioning of the ventilation system: adequate airtightness is a prerequisite for ensuring directed air flow
- Greater care taken during execution of work on the building envelope by construction companies

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Leak detection Blower Door equipment installed in a patio door  


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