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PHPP in other languages

The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) is available in a variety of languages. A list of distributors of the PHPP and their respective countries is given below:

The Passive House Institute makes its knowledge available to everyone. Its research, its certification and training programmes, as well as the distribution of its planning tools such as the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) and designPH can thus not be claimed as a monopoly by any single local entity. The Passive House Institute does not enter into exclusive contracts. It is happy to co-operate with suitable partners at any time, provided all necessary conditions and requirements are met. You are welcome to contact the Passive House Institute directly with any questions regarding partnerships, the certification of professionals, buildings, or building components, as well as all relevant consultancy services.


Next Courses

PHPP Expert
Passive House Designer / Consultant
Construction Verifier
Site Supervisor
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iPHA Webinar "A practical introduction to easyPH" | September 18, 2024
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Passive House Open Days |
7 - 9 November 2025

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Component Database

Passive House
Component Database
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New developments

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NEW: PHPP 10 (2021)
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Seals for Certified Passive House Components
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Passive House Classes,
Classic, Plus, Premium
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EnerPHit -
PHI certification for retrofits
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Wall plaque
for certified Passive Houses
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Press releases

Latest press releases

Research & Literature

Passive Houses for different climate zones

Retrofits with Passive House components -
EnerPHit Planner Handbook
(in German)


Passive House Retail Stores now out
Overview of contents
(in German)

PHI Literature

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